The 12 Best Wrestling Entrances of All-Time

A wrestler is only has good as his entrance music and their moves. Let’s take a look at the best wrestling entrances of all time.

12. Goldberg

It’s like a movie. Goldberg beats up doors backstage, the crowd chants his name, he walks out to music reminiscent of a fantasy video game, fireworks explode and he gets a full police escort while doing it all. The devil is in the detail though. He takes his time with his entrance and it only helps build-up an electrifying atmosphere. Goldberg had a massive cult following especially after going 173-0 in WCW.

11. “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair

His iconic strut down the runway which was usually accompanied by women, his “WOOOOOOOO”, his Space Odyssey entrance music – it was all about the PIMP lifestyle for the Nature Boy. Even more spectacular is his wrestling career spanning almost 40 years. He’s one of the GOATs of wrestling, was a major draw card for PPV events and his entrance remains one of the best of all-time.

10. Kane

I was scared what would happen to me if I didn’t include Kane on the list. Associated with fire, Kane’s pyros went off on perfect cue with his entrance music (and on demand). When Kane came out to the ring, fear struck his opponents eyes and the intensity of the fireworks were as scary as Kane himself. His entrances over time evolved even more horrifically when his mask came off, flanked later on by police officers like Goldberg was, and his leg-cuffs unlocked off of him like a madman.

9. Edge

It starts off with a voice saying “You think you know me”, then mayhem proceeds as Edge comes out to the rock song Metalingus. As he emerges from the fog, The Rated-R Superstar walks in leisurely, runs his fingers through his hair and has a manic crazy eye stare.

8. Chris Jericho

Chris Jericho comes out to a sick theme song “Break the Walls Down”. The countdown before Y2J comes out builds great anticipation before he cockily walked towards the ring. It was even better entertainment when he would invite the crowd to touch his belts, only to pull away at the last second and look at them in absolute disgust. He would also at times pose in front of his matching silhouette on screen, turning around at the exact point his silhouette would too.

7. Shawn Michaels

The “Heartbreak Kid” always had fun strutting down the ring to his entrance music “Sexy Boy”. Whether you hate it or love it, there’s no doubt that he was a showman. It was great entertainment and went along with his persona as a bad boy party animal. “I”m just a sexy boy. I’m not your boy toy”.

6. Hulk Hogan

An absolute iconic entrance. The tearing of his yellow shirt, the hand to his ear, the flexing. he knew how to get the crowd pumped and bleeding red and yellow for Hulk Hogan. His entrance music was out of Woodstock, equally as catching as it was nauseating. Hogan is an all-time great and his theatrical performances has ensured that his entrances remains a classic across his long career.

5. Kurt Angle

You can’t get much more American than Kurt Angle’s entrance. The triumphant music, his confident strut, his wrestling singlet, the pyrotechnics on cue and all while wearing a gold medal. He did actually win a gold medal for freestyle wrestling at the Atlanta 1996 Olympics games. His entrance even went to the next level when fans starting chanting “You suck!” in unison to the beat. His entrance had it all: intensity, integrity and intelligence.

4. Triple H

The lyrics “Its time to play the game” will no doubt get stuck in your head. Triple H’s theme song is that of British rock band Motörhead and it’s so popular that sporting teams have adopted it to create their own intense atmospheres on game day. Add to that Tripe H’s iconic water spray into the air, the neon strobe lights and his pec flex and you’ve got one hell of an entertaining entrance.

3. Stone Cold

When the sound of glass smashing echoes across the arena, you know it’s Stone Cold Steve Austin. What? Stone Cold was Dwayne Johnson’s Kryptonite, and Austin 3:16’s entrance was legendary as he chugged and threw around Miller Lite beer all over the place. What?


2. The Rock

The Rock is cooking the second best entrance of all-time, and he finally gets one over his arch nemesis Stone Cold. Dwayne Johnson’s entrance opens up with him yelling his catchphrase “if you smell, what The Rock, is cooking”. It’s one of the biggest hype ups in wrestling by one of the most electrifying entertainers in all of sports. The hype is enough to get fans dreaming about his next Peoples Elbow.

1. The Undertaker

The Undertaker’s entrance is the greatest of all-time. The spectacle begins with a bell ring as if a funeral is in session. The lights shut off, the music kicks in and beyond the smoke emerges The Undertaker. The camera pans to his opponent who’s looking death right in the face. The end.

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